Sum16-24 Response to K Placement, Rates and Timing, Corrigin


To assess the value of different muriate sources of potassium (K) on growth and yield of wheat when applied by banding and topdressing at seeding time, or topdressing after emergence.

For further details contact your local Area Manager or the Summit Research Team

Table 1: Soil Analysis

Fig 1: Yield and Protein
Fig 2: Response to K rates and Placement


  • Calingiri wheat growth and yield responded strongly to K application at this site.
  • As indicatively seen for the noodle wheat under the conditions at this trial site, there is potential for applications of K to increase returns by up to $300 per hectare,
    depending on rates applied, method and timing.
  • Results suggest that the response of wheat to the NPK compound was greater than response to the NP+MOP blend at this site.
  • Banding of K at seeding is recommended over topdressing as a method for most efficient plant uptake and utilisation.
  • A combination of Vigour at seeding, topped up with topdressed MOP appears to be a valuable strategy on low K status soils.