In 1992, we introduced our world class blending and despatch facilities to Western Australian. Ever since then, this has allowed farmers to custom blend the precise balance of nutrients required for their enterprise.
When blending fertilizer, we recommend only blending similar sized products to avoid separation in transport. All Summit's blending products are between 2 and 4mm.
Please note that a small number of products cannot be mixed, due to chemical reaction or increased hygroscopic properties of the mixture.
Trace Elements
When blending, a number of trace elements can be added to our products, including: AgSul 90, boronate, cobalt, copper sulphate, copper, copper molybdenum, iron, kieserite, manganese sulphate, selenium, zinc and zinc sulphate.
Critical Humidity of Fertilizer Salts and Mixtures at 30°C
Both DAP and urea absorb moisture at around 75% relative humidity. When mixed together they absorb moisture at 62% relative humidity, making this mix potentially difficult to use.
The above chart illustrates the way that two fertilizers will absorb atmospheric moisture at a reduced humidity when blended. Under these conditions, the blends will need to be treated carefully by adding builders lime and covering with black plastic in storage.
As a general rule, mixtures with a critical humidity of less than 65% are not suited to bulk handling unless used immediately after mixing.